Aptos CLI使用指南与REPL设计建议 | Move dApp 极速入门(六)

本文一方面是 Aptos 的 CLI 工具操作指南,另一方面会延伸来讲讲笔者关于 CLI/REPL 工具设计的一些看法。

此外,关于 MOVE-based Chains 的指令快捷查询,可以看由 NonceGeekDAO 出品的 Cheetsheet:


0x01 Aptos CLI 工具操作指南


1.1 CLI 工具抽象功能拆解

不管是哪条链,CLI 工具抽象而言会包括如下功能:
-资源查看(Only for Move-based Chain)

1.2 安装 Aptos CLI


一般而言,推荐直接使用预编译工具( precompiled binary )的方式,这样会省去编译中可能遇到的错误。

1.3 初始化 Aptos CLI

将使用配置 config.yaml 创建一个名为 .aptos/ 的本地文件夹,该配置可用于在 CLI 运行期间存储配置。这是您运行时本地文件,因此您需要继续从该文件夹运行 CLI,或在另一个文件夹中重新初始化。

如果初始化时什么都使用默认值,aptos CLI 会连接到测试网上:

 $ ./aptos init
Configuring for profile default
Enter your rest endpoint [Current: None | No input: https://fullnode.devnet.aptoslabs.com]

No rest url given, using https://fullnode.devnet.aptoslabs.com...
Enter your faucet endpoint [Current: None | No input: https://faucet.devnet.aptoslabs.com]

No faucet url given, using https://faucet.devnet.aptoslabs.com...
Enter your private key as a hex literal (0x...) [Current: None | No input: Generate new key (or keep one if present)]

No key given, generating key...
Account 50A49D913AA6381C01579E3FC00784B49AFA3A771F06389EBC65F8FF3A4E9A7D doesn't exist, creating it and funding it with 10000 coins
Aptos is now set up for account 50A49D913AA6381C01579E3FC00784B49AFA3A771F06389EBC65F8FF3A4E9A7D!  Run `aptos help` for more information about commands

  "Result": "Success"

1.4 启动一条本地测试网并配置 CLI


$ ./aptos node run-local-testnet --with-faucet
Building genesis with 1 validators. Directory of output: "/Users/liaohua/aptos/.aptos/testnet"
Completed generating configuration:
 Log file: "/Users/liaohua/aptos/.aptos/testnet/validator.log"
 Test dir: "/Users/liaohua/aptos/.aptos/testnet"
 Aptos root key path: "/Users/liaohua/aptos/.aptos/testnet/mint.key"
 Waypoint: 0:81bffa64e06416fe9978f1e91d9f58e222836d303a3984dbd470d2c821a743b2
 ChainId: testing
 REST API endpoint:
 Metrics endpoint:
 FullNode network: /ip4/

Aptos is running, press ctrl-c to exit

Faucet is running.  Faucet endpoint:

给 CLI 新建一个账户配置。注意,上面那个命令的窗口不要关。

$ ./aptos init --profile local --rest-url http://localhost:8080 --faucet-url http://localhost:8081
Configuring for profile local
Using command line argument for rest URL http://localhost:8080/
Using command line argument for faucet URL http://localhost:8081/
Enter your private key as a hex literal (0x...) [Current: None | No input: Generate new key (or keep one if present)]

No key given, generating key...
Account 4a327db3bce440f47d65b293a9688a7fd59e69a3cc1ddf0b2889a3e4f6d4de62 doesn't exist, creating it and funding it with 10000 coins
Aptos is now set up for account 4a327db3bce440f47d65b293a9688a7fd59e69a3cc1ddf0b2889a3e4f6d4de62!  Run `aptos help` for more information about commands
  "Result": "Success"


 $ ./aptos node run-local-testnet --with-faucet --force-restart

1.5 账号管理

 # 拿测试币
$ ./aptos account fund-with-faucet --profile $PROFILE --account $PROFILE
  "Result": "Added 10000 coins to account 4a327db3bce440f47d65b293a9688a7fd59e69a3cc1ddf0b2889a3e4f6d4de62"
# 创建 resource account
$ ./aptos account create-resource-account --profile $PROFILE --seed 1

Resource Account的所有权由一个资源控制,可以存储在账户里,通过 Resource Account我们可以实现类似 Solidity 里的合约账户功能。

1.6 资源查看

 $ ./aptos account list --query resources --account default --profile $PROFILE # or just "account list" 
  "Result": [
      "0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>": {
        "coin": {
          "value": "10000"

1.7 模块查看


 $ ./aptos account list --query modules --profile $PROFILE

1.8 转账操作


 ./aptos init --profile bob --rest-url http://localhost:8080 --faucet-url http://localhost:8081

然后就可以在不同的 Profile 间转账了:

./aptos account transfer --account bob --amount 100 --profile $PROFILE

1.9 合约编译

以 hello_blockchain 为例。


./aptos move compile --package-dir [path-to-example]/hello_blockchain --named-addresses hello_blockchain=$PROFILE --profile $PROFILE

编译好后的文件可以在hello blockchain 文件夹中查看到。

1.10 合约部署



./aptos move publish --package-dir [path-to-example]/move-examples/hello_blockchain --named-addresses hello_blockchain=local  --profile $PROFILE
package size 1601 bytes
  "Result": {
    "transaction_hash": "0xe9468512b4aa83be6f0ab1fc49bfc329b2f99fb9db76ec015d90cacdd0649b57",
    "gas_used": 182,
    "gas_unit_price": 1,
    "sender": "4a327db3bce440f47d65b293a9688a7fd59e69a3cc1ddf0b2889a3e4f6d4de62",
    "sequence_number": 4,
    "success": true,
    "timestamp_us": 1662198442260668,
    "version": 62620,
    "vm_status": "Executed successfully"

1.11 合约调用

 ./aptos move run --function-id 4a327db3bce440f47d65b293a9688a7fd59e69a3cc1ddf0b2889a3e4f6d4de62::message::set_message --args string:Hello!  --profile $PROFILE
  "Result": {
    "transaction_hash": "0x9cf6782132a17f4c04047bc4823e26b79811ed94bf524f49c62ca47c25a43028",
    "gas_used": 39,
    "gas_unit_price": 1,
    "sender": "4a327db3bce440f47d65b293a9688a7fd59e69a3cc1ddf0b2889a3e4f6d4de62",
    "sequence_number": 5,
    "success": true,
    "timestamp_us": 1662198697122879,
    "version": 66122,
    "vm_status": "Executed successfully"

0x02 REPL 设计建议

什么是 REPL?

REPL 即我们常说的控制台,有时也被称之为 CLI。REPL 在我们的开发工作中很常用:

Python REPL:包括原始的 python repl 和 ipython
iex:Elixir 的 REPL
Blockchain REPL:可以说是区块链的标配,如FISCO BCOS的控制台和Starcoin CLI。

一个让人心旷神怡的理想主义的 REPL 应具备如下特质(个人主观意见):

2.1 色彩丰富


2.2 支持历史查询


2.3 支持命令补全


2.4 支持命令帮助
