ComingChat 团队开发且合并进Awesome-Move的 18项Move 代码仓库。

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awesome-move 仓库由 Move 语言研发团队,同样也是Sui的开发团队MystenLabs 维护。

18项 完整的Move 代码链接以及简介


  • 1, Dmens: Decentralized Moments which is a Blockchain Twitter Protocol built on the Sui network.


  • 2, AptosRedPacket: A red packet social app that combines private chat and encrypted wallet on Aptos.
  • 3, SuiRedPacket: A red packet social app that combines private chat and encrypted wallet on Sui.
  • 4, AptosAMMswap: Aptos AMM Swap implemented by the OmniBTC team.
  • 5, SuiAMMswap: Sui AMM Swap implemented by the OmniBTC team.
  • 6, AptosOmniSwap: One-click swap between aptos and EVM chains (such as ETH/BSC/AVAX, etc.) based on the cross-chain interoperability protocol wormhole.
  • 7, DolaProtocol: A Decentralized Omnichain Liquidity Aggregation Protocol with the single coin pool of each public chain as the core, Wormhole, Layerzero and other cross-chain messaging protocols as the bridge, and Sui public chain as the settlement center.
  • 8, ObjectMarket - A unique object trading marketplace in the Sui network.


  • 9, MoveChina: The largest Chinese community for the Move programming language.

Move-Powered Blockchains

  • 10, ChainX: Bitcoin's layer2 smart contract network has already supported WASM and EVM, and is supporting MoveVM.

Decentralized Identity

  • 11, aptos-cid - Decentralized identity on Aptos, the underlying account system of ComingChat.

Fungible Tokens

  • 12, XBTC - BTC mirror asset on Aptos.
  • 13, XBTC - BTC mirror asset on Sui.

Cross-Chain Bridge

  • 14, OmniBTC Bridge - A bridge between Bitcoin and Move language public chains (like Aptos and Sui) based on ultra-light node.


  • 15, ComingChat - A decentralized social finance/web3 portal. Supporting public chain wallets, such as Sui and Aptos wallets.


标签: Move学习